Getting Healthy
Getting Healthy
Many of the issues faced by homeless people revolve around their health. Addictions, mental challenges, and other health issues can be related to the quality of food included in the diet. Can we alleviate the extent of the homeless problem by feeding them a healthy diet and getting them healthy? I believe we can. Let’s try!
Soup kitchens serve the SAD diet at its lowest level. The food they serve is has low levels of protein, low quality fats, and highly processed foods. The food also lacks fresh vegetables. Its extremely unhealthy!
Most soup kitchens are walking a tightrope act of balancing their budget, versus providing quality food. Serving high quality food doesn’t have to be expensive, if you know what you’re doing, and you care.
If you truly cared about the homeless, you would care about their health. You would provide healthy food. Feeding them food that’s unhealthy borders on criminal. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality!
Cooking Shiitake Mushrooms in my van while I’m traveling on the road. There are no excuses for not eating healthy. Homeless people need to have the ability to cook. They need healthy food!