



While gathering information for the documentary, I was utterly amazed at the lack of support by the church for homeless people. It appears that over 95% of the churches do absolutely nothing for the homeless. And believe it or not, if all the churches helped just one homeless person, the homeless problem would be solved. If you’re a church leader, contact us for assistance with establishing a homeless program.

Nonprofits and Government Corruption

The amount of corruption in governments as well as nonprofit organizations is staggering. Salaries get paid, but the homeless get the shaft. A totally crooked and corrupt system.

Loving Your Neighbor

A lesson in love. This is where way too many churches and nonprofits fail miserably. They need to start following the lessons of the Good Samaritan.

Serving the Homeless

The church as a whole is doing absolutely nothing to help the homeless. Are they blind? Or have their hearts turned cold? We can help your church establish a homeless program.

The Homeless Industrial Comples

This is a must watch video that highlights the corruption and ineptness of government and the nonprofit organizations. This is why the money never seems to get to the homeless.

Too many churches are in the business of building empires, kingdoms on earth. They seem to be obsessed with building bigger buildings, bigger salaries, and bigger retirement packages. In the process, they steal sheep from other churches, and they stop following the commandment of God to love their neighbor. They become spiritually weak and inept, ignoring the needs of the homeless.